Joomla is suitable to test your strength in sales. The system can be installed for free, but you will have to pay extra for hosting, additional plugins and the webmasters’ work. The plugins might not get synchronized, and their updates can be paid.

Mercurio CMS is created by the professional developers and already has everything you need to start your sales. The platform for your online store can be developed in any direction, as Mercurio CMS is built on modern frameworks and technologies.

General comparison

Mercurio CMS

Mercurio CMS is a ready profile solution for e-commerce. You immediately get an online store and management system based on advanced technologies: Laravel, Elasticsearch, Vue.JS.

Our team will provide technical support and guarantee the protection against cyberattacks and hacks. 

The CMS owners receive updates and new features every week at no extra charge. Thanks to constant development, the online store will not become outdated over the years.


Joomla is a free, open-source CMS for the small websites and online stores. To start selling, you need to buy the hosting, find the webmasters, configure the modules.

This platform is open-source, so the various modules are created by different developers. The modules might conflict between each other and cause the issues in operation.

You have to pay extra not only for the modules, but also for the system updates. Moreover, you shouldn't forget to renew the subscription. The new system might not support the older modules.


Mercurio CMS

Get a ready online store

  • Sell on 9 platforms at no extra charge. We have the products export to Prom, Rozetka, Hotline, Google Shopping, Facebook, Instagram,, Epicenter, Hello.

  •  You can follow the tops of products, analyze queries on the website, product ratings. 

  • Export the products through .xls and to the different systems: 1C, Bitrix24, SalesDrive.


You need to select the necessary modules and pay extra for installation

  • The platform has a Ukrainian interface, but it is focused on the foreign market. Additional modules are needed to connect the products export to common Ukrainian websites.

  •  For most useful integrations, you need to pay or look for a developer who will create a feature for you. 


Mercurio CMS

We guarantee the online store protection and provide technical support.

  • We provide technical support and warranty for the online store. The system is based on advanced technologies with a high security level. Laravel, Vue.JS, Elasticsearch are in the top for use in the world.

  •  Mercurio CMS is already used in public and private organizations. We have invested 18 years of experience in the system. 

  • CMS is audited and tested to ensure its security.


The security level depends on the developers or webmasters.

  • The website security depends on the professionalism and integrity of the developer you contact. They need to understand Joomla, and there are not so many of such developers.

  •  You need to pay extra to contractors, constantly check an online store operation and monitor the updates. But it still does not guaranty the stable operation.

  • The vulnerable spot is extensions from the unverified sources, which are used for the system hacking.


Mercurio CMS

The online store operation is controlled by our development team

  • With us, you will not only get a ready-made platform for e-commerce. We are always ready to help with content placement and settings, to consult.

  •  The support is not only from a technical point of view. Our managers always answer all your questions. 


You need the contractors who provide maintenance

  • To understand the modules, updates, choose hosting, you still need to use the specialist help.

  •  Joomla forum support is available, but it is not the most reliable source. 


Mercurio CMS

We provide fast operation even at high loads.
Our CMS is designed specifically for online sales. The website loads in 1.1 seconds, even with millions of visitors. You can enjoy fast operation for both a small online store and a marketplace.
We pay special attention to the fast loading of the online store, as this helps to improve sales and higher website performance on Google.


The speed depends on the number of modules.

An online store on Joomla might have hundreds of installed modules. The operation speed depends on their quantity and quality. The situation might be improved by additional modules or modernization of the present system. But all of this is additional expenses, which might not help. The loading speed is highly important in e-commerce, so select responsibly.


Mercurio CMS

The necessary features for the online store are available to you immediately

  • Mercurio CMS updates are available to the owners for free. All of them are synchronized with the system.

  • The development team of our company is implementing new functions. All capabilities are tested. 


There is a basic set of functions, and the rest must be installed

  • The basic set is not enough to work, you need to install new modules. You have to pay separately for the updates.

  •  No one is responsible for the quality of extensions, modules may conflict. 

Modules and Templates

Mercurio CMS

You can develop the system with us or with your developers without restrictions

  • Customization is built into the CMS immediately. We do not close the system from development.

  •  Available system functions and custom-designed units are synchronized with system updates.


The system is limited by provided templates

  • You need developers and web-masters to configure and combine the modules.
  • The update can crash the modules, that worked well before. Nobody is responsible for them, as any developer or hacker can add the module

Comparison table



Lots of different modules from non-professional developers

Conflict of the system fragments

All functions necessary for work are available at once, without installation of additional modules

Technical support of the CMS development team

Fast loading of the online store

Since its inception, Mercurio CMS has changed its approach to business owners. We create the most convenient environment for e-commerce. With Mercurio CMS, all updates are synchronized and free for users. Owners can forget about finding additional modules, selecting the ones that fit each other, as is the case with Joomla, Opencart and a dozen other systems. 

The Mercurio CMS online store is ready to go and scale right away if your business grows. 

Each feature has been tested and based on progressive frameworks. All this is created by the Ukrainian developers team, not some "unknown artist". Therefore, we can guarantee the quality of the online store. Forget about extra fees, modules or hacks, it is better to select Mercurio CMS!

Support and security

Experience in the field since 2003 Experience in the field since 2003
Secure HTTPS connection Secure HTTPS connection
Laravel framework (# 1 in the world since 2015) Laravel framework (# 1 in the world since 2015)
Vue JS framework (# 1 in the world since 2017) Vue JS framework (# 1 in the world since 2017)
Integrated Elasticsearch (search server # 1) Integrated Elasticsearch (search server # 1)
Storage in Amazon or Hetzner Storage in Amazon or Hetzner
We use <span> advanced technologies </span> for development

We use advanced technologies for development

CMS Mercurio combines the advantages of the world's most popular technologies: Laravel 8+, Vue.js 2+, Elasticsearch 7. This makes the online store stable and secure.

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We guarantee <span> support and security </span> of the project

We guarantee support and security of the project

CMS Mercurio protested the security services of the state and the banking sector. The system and its basic modules are developed exclusively by our team, which has been in IT for over 18 years.

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No restrictions <span> in development </span>

No restrictions in development

You have the ability to independently develop the system in any direction with your own development team. There are absolutely no restrictions on the technology used.

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It is possible to move <span> from other CMS </span>

It is possible to move from other CMS

We can move your old store to a new management system. All data will be saved, and the process will be as automated and fast as possible.

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Leave a request

It is possible to transfer from other CMS

Your old store can be transferred to the new management system. All data will be saved, and the process will be as automated and fast as possible.

Leave a request

solution suitable for you


Basic solution with full control over the efficiency of your project. Hosted on Hetzner or Amazon servers

$ 1,000 + $ 50/months

Purchase of the system on our hosting = $ 1000 one-time payment and then subscription fee for hosting, ensuring the operability and support of all updates = $ 50 per month
To order


Dedicated solution that we install on the Client's server or on our recommended hosting.

$ 2,000 + $ 20/months

Purchase a system with us installed on your hosting = $ 2000 one-time payment and then optionally purchase support for all updates $ 20 per month
To order



The individual decision is focused on the needs and requirements of the Client. Full integration into business processes.

$ Individually

make an application
Our reviews
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I had a good experience developing an online store for us as clothing manufacturers. The team recommended to start the basic version of the online store at the beginning, and then, after the project starts to earn, to implement all sorts of chips that I wanted. I agreed and did not regret it. I am still developing my project. Everything suits. I recommend.

Andrew, Top Hat Factory


To create the site of the publishing house "White Owl", I turned to the Mercurio CMS team, as I had worked with them before and knew that if they do - everything will be ok. This time I had time and budget constraints, and the guys for a month without pain and difficulty made us a good working site that closes all the tasks we need. Also, what is important for me personally, it is easy and interesting to work with people in this company.

Christina, publishing house "White Owl"


I have been working with this company for a long time. He has done many different projects in the field of e-commerce and online sales. We have worked for a long time, everyone is comfortable, we understand each other without unnecessary bureaucratic red tape. I can advise without a doubt.

Igor, online store Bamboo


Working with the team's specialists is quite satisfactory. Everything is realized very quickly and all my wishes and ideas are understood without long explanations. I have a lot of developments in the project for my specific processes and needs.

Vyacheslav, Konus-Yu printing house
