Frequently asked questions

Is the Cloud Tariff an SAAS solution?

No - this is a separate site that is on our servers under our control. This tariff is designed specifically for a quick start and convenience for you - so as not to burden you with problems of hosting, security and technical support.

Go to another server, pick up the site and refuse from the subscription fee - no problem, you just need to pay the difference between my Box and Cloud tariffs.

What tariffs for online store development are available?

1. Cloud

Розмістимо інтернет-магазин на своєму обладнанні та серверах Hetzner. На тарифі Cloud обов’язкова техпідтримка від команди Mercurio CMS.

  • Запустимо інтернет-магазин на нашому обладнанні;

  • Налаштуємо все необхідне для роботи;

  • Внесемо зміни в інтерфейс відповідно до вашого стилю: кольорова гама, шрифти, логотип;

  • Надамо всі необхідні інструкції по роботі з Mercurio CMS;

  • Довічна гарантія з нашою техпідтримкою;

  • Онлайн-підтримка менеджера;

  • Тариф будь-коли можливо буде змінити на Box доплативши різницю між тарифами.

2. Box

З цим тарифом інтернет-магазин можна розмістити на вашому обладнанні, яке має відповідати вимогам технологій системи Mercurio CMS. Або ж на хостингу, який ми порекомендуємо.

  • Налаштуємо все необхідне для роботи та допоможемо з наповненням;

  • Внесемо зміни в інтерфейс відповідно до вашого стилю: кольорова гама, шрифти, логотип;

  • Надамо всі необхідні інструкції по роботі з Mercurio CMS;

  • Ви отримаєте можливість змінювати систему на ваш розсуд;

  • Є можливість отримувати оновлення;

  • Онлайн-підтримка менеджера;

  • Гарантія та доступ до оновлень за умови, що замовник не вносить змін в ядро CMS.

3. Enterprise

Якщо ви маєте сформоване бачення і вимоги до проекту, на базі нашої системи можна побудувати будь-яке веб-рішення. Це може бути інтернет-магазин із специфічними інтеграціями та функціоналом, потужний маркетплейс чи складна система обліку з інтеграціями з мобільними додатками, ботами в месенджерах та використанням нейромереж.

  • Індивідуальний UI/UX, креативний дизайн;

  • Аналіз ваших бізнес-процесів та цільової аудиторії;

  • Виділена команда, яка працює саме з вашим проектом;

  • Гнучка методологія розробки;

  • Подальша підтримка і супровід;

  • Розробка необхідного функціоналу;

  • Поради в розвитку та аналітика.

Do you have a support service and how does it work?

Yes, of course! There are two options for working with our support:

1) In the Cloud tariff, we provide full support for the project. You will receive a lifetime warranty and all support updates for the entire period while you pay the subscription fee.

2) In the Box and Enterprise tariffs, support and subscription fees include only updates. Hosting, security and performance are not included in the subscription fee.

What are the hosting requirements?

Hosting must meet the requirements of frameworks. We can send you a list of required components upon request.

What is the validity of the license?

The license is valid for 49 years.

Is there a trial period to familiarize yourself with Mercurio CMS?

Yes, we are customizing your version of the online store for you and you can test the system for 1 month.

Are there any opportunities for SEO-promotion of the online store?

Yes, everything you need for basic SEO works from the start. There are also many customizations you can make for each page.

Are there different design themes?

We use one weighted and well-honed interface design that can be customized to your style. These are colors, fonts and some stylistics of elements.

Or developing a personalized custom interface for your needs and business processes.

In what language is the interface of the online store management system?

Currently the system supports 3 languages ​​- Ukrainian, English and Russian. But it is possible to customize in any language.

How many languages ​​does the online store support?

The online store interface currently supports 16 languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Polish, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Czech, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Arabic and Japanese. In the settings you can quickly and easily include languages ​​and control their order.

Are there online payments in the online store? Which exactly?

Yes, of course. We are integrated with EasyPay and LiqPay services.

Where can I import goods to an online store?

There are many convenient features, namely:

integration with CRM SalesDrive - we transfer orders, and receive goods with all the characteristics, prices and balances of goods;

integration with 1C - we also transfer orders and receive goods with all the characteristics, prices and balances of goods;

import using .xml feed from any system;

import-export using .xls file.

What delivery services does the online store support?

The system supports all major Ukrainian delivery services - Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta, Meest and Justin. In the settings it is possible to enable and disable services, and the user when ordering goods from the online store has access to all active branches of delivery services. Branches are automatically updated every day.

What services are integrated with?

The system is integrated with:

  • delivery services Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta, Meest and Justin;
  • EasyPay and LiqPay payment systems;
  • CRM and SalesDrive, Bitrix 24, 1C;
  • TurboSMS messaging service;
  • Online PPO CheckBox.

Is there integration with 1C?

Yes, there is basic integration with the .xml feed. But if you have any wishes and a custom version of 1C is not a problem, we can integrate with anything.

I already have an online store. Can I transfer it to Mercurio CMS?

Yes, it is possible. We can move your store. We have ready-made solutions for common CMS. And it's not a problem if you have a customized or completely customized solution - we will be able to find options for moving to Mercurio CMS.

Will the system be updated if I refine the functionality of the online store?

Yes, it will. But provided that you or your contractors will not interfere with the core of the system and will develop according to the documentation.

Can I refine the site with other developers or on my own?

Yes! We do not close the code or bind it to ourselves. Anyone can develop and improve, but it's important to develop according to the documentation if you want to receive our updates.

Is it possible to finish something on the site - functionality for my needs?

Yes, you can develop anything based on the system. This can be done with us or with other developers. We do not bind you.

Is the Mercurio CMS updated? How often?

Yes, we are constantly working on new functionality, we have a system development plan and we release updates several times a month.

How is Mercurio CMS different from custom development?

Only because the system immediately includes ready-made and necessary functionality for the online store. And the use of frameworks allows you to develop custom professional solutions.
